Club Roles

There are a variety of roles of different difficulty levels and durations that each participant can take part in at meetings.

It is by actively engaging in these roles that you aquire skills such as:
  • organisation
  • speaking within time frames
  • providing instruction
  • leadership of others, and 
  • providing constructive feedback

The purpose of the Ah-Counter is to note any overused words or filler sounds.

The Grammarian helps club members improve their grammar and vocabulary.


A Timer is responsible for monitoring the time of meeting segments and speakers.

The Toastmaster is a meeting's director and host.

The Topicsmaster delivers the Table Topics portion of the meeting.

Meeting Speaker
Every speaker is a role model and club members learn from one another's speeches.

Table Topics Speaker
Table Topics helps members develop their impromptu speaking skills.

Evaluators provide verbal and written feedback to meeting speakers.

General Evaluator
The General Evaluator evaluates everything that takes place during the club meeting.

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